End Time School of Ministry– Our School of Ministry is under the direction of Apostle, Bishop Godfrey A. Stubbs, Minister Veronica Crate, Evangelist Sylvia Webster.
Ministry Purpose: The ministry of Jesus during His time on earth was inclusive. It did not concentrate on words alone but was accompanied by dynamic action and powerful demonstrations. His ministry was a ministry, which focused on meeting human needs. If the need was for wisdom and direction, He spoke to the very heart of the people and accompanied such speech with His own personal movements. Therefore we will tech and train others on how to Patton themselves after Jesus. Amen!
Mission Statement: End Time School of Ministry mission is for those who desire to take their unction to the next level by receiving the discipline, training, and doctrinal understanding that will undergird that fiery call, and meets the requirements of becoming an ordain and Licensed Minister of the gospel.
Vision Statement: The vision of End Time School of Ministry is dedicated to developing 21st Century Ministers who are full of sound doctrine and whom are devoted to the spreading of The Good News of Jesus Christ and His Salvation throughout the world with continual study, prayer, and worship. In addition, End Time School of Ministry is committed to building church clergy who reflect a personal discipline of devotion and a sensitive caring of both their personal family and their corporate church. With a holy boldness and unfaltering faithfulness, End Time School of Ministry is dedicated to making “full proof” of ministry while defending the faith and enacting the Lord's Great commission "And He said unto them. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 15:15
Ministry Responsibilities:
- We will teach according to the doctrines of our church, including Christ our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King (Acts 2:27).
- We will live what I teach in separation from the world and purity of life, “avoiding all appearance of evil,” setting an example in dress, conversation, deportment and prayer (Ephesians 4:1).
- Shall oversee and supervise all operations within your Ministry.
- Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with dedication and love for my work and respect for all members.