Pastoral Aide Ministry— Our Pastoral Aide Ministry is under the direction of Minister Veronica Crates, Minister Zelda Carter, Sister Patricia Fowler and Minister Brittney McKennie.
Romans 13:6-7 says, “ For, for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”
Mission Statement: The mission and purpose of the pastoral aide is to assist our Bishop and Pastor with personal responsibilities such as maintaining their robes and overseeing the needs of their family.
Our Goal: To support the Shepard spiritually, financially, and emotionally through a variety of fund-raisers activities and other services. The members of the ministry are assigned to take responsibility for providing various items and supplies for the Pastor/ Bishop to accommodate his office and pulpit.
Our primary goal is to show appreciation for his/her leadership and spiritual guidance in the Church:
1. To provide supplementary support to.
2. To show appreciation for the leadership and spiritual guidance. Gifts can be either monetary or non-monetary and are given on such occasions as birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, etc.
3. To assist the church in celebrating our Bishop / Pastor's anniversary, birthday, appreciation events, meetings and other special occasions. Special considerations are given to his/her wardrobe, including, but not limited to clerical regalia.
4. To provide adequate resources as needed to participate in Local/State/National meetings, workshops, seminars and Conventions or wherever else deemed necessary.
Description: Pastoral Aide Ministry will fulfil all the Bishop / Pastor responsibilities in their absence. This includes hospital visits, prayers and being in place at the church. The pastor's aide demonstrate Christian attitude in leadership and commitment to serve as a role model for the congregation. Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.