Family Ministry – Our Family Ministry is under the direction Apostle, Bishop Godfrey A. Stubbs and Pastor Shelia Stubbs.
Mission Statement: The Family Ministry seeks to provide family oriented activities that promote family unity among the families of E.T.M.I. The primary responsibility for Christian growth and formation lies with the parents. This realization is the first step in developing your family ministry.
Description: God intended for the family to be the basic unit in society. A casual view of history reveals that as go marriages, so goes the family; as go families, so goes the community; as go communities, so goes the nation; as go nations, so goes civilization The Bible tells us that in the beginning God created the family. In His infinite wisdom He chose the family to serve as the cradle for personhood. In Deuteronomy 6, as well as in other biblical passage, it is clear that God designed the family as the crucible in which the reality of the person of the living God is to be both taught (through formal education) and caught (by the example of the parents’ lives).
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Family Ministry.
- Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.
- Shall follow-up on all responsibilities delegated to your Ministry members.
- Shall keep the Bishop apprised of needs and conditions within your Ministry.
- Shall maintain a positive attitude in all that you do.
- Shall be an example to the Church in soul winning by continually being involved in the outreach ministry of your choice with Bishop approval.
- Shall be an example to the Church in spiritual growth by coming at least 30 minutes early to pray before each service.
- Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.