Prison Ministry— Our Prison Ministry is under the direction of Minister Keisha Bell, Evangelist Linda Knapp, Missionary Lolita Green and Bishop Godfrey A. Stubbs.
Mission Statement: The mission of our prison ministry is to provide religious services, including but not limited to, letters writing, Christian-based literature, as well as structured bible classes for those incarcerated in penal institutions and prisons. The Prison Ministry members will minister to the incarcerated through sermons, songs, testimonies, prayer, exhortations and fellowship.
Vision Statement: The Prison Ministry of End Time is a comprehensive outreach spanning various areas of need. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the recidivism rate of offenders; to aid in the restoration of their lives through the infusion of intellectual, emotional and spiritual influence that is directed to help them discard harmful patterns and unhealthy attitudes, avoid addictive and destructive relationships and behavior, stay out of prison, and become positive contributors to society; and to bring awareness to the local Church of our nation's fastest growing population and their role in reaching those impacted by incarceration (offender, release, family, and the community).
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Prison Ministry.
- Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with dedication and love for your work and respect for all members.
- Shall follow-up on all responsibilities delegated to your Ministry members.
- Shall keep the Bishop apprised of needs and conditions within your Ministry.
- Shall be an example to the Church in spiritual growth by coming at least 30 minutes early to pray before each service.
- Shall attend all annual planning meetings. If unable to attend, shall inform the Bishop or the church Secretary in advance and have a substitute attend for you.
- Shall notify Bishop in advance if unable to attend a service or function for any reason.
- Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.