Nursing Home / Visit Ministry- Our Nursing Home / Visit Ministry is under the direction of Minister Keisha Bell and Minister Brenda Hewing.
Mission Statement: The mission of this Ministry is to serve our members who may be patients in nursing homes or their place of residence.
Vision Statement: The vision of the nursing is to provide Bible studies, prayer times, singing, testimonials and serving Communion as needed.
The concept of visitation in the Bible is much fuller and richer than our concept of just "dropping by." To visit implies that one wishes to show concern and interest in another person. In Exodus 3, for example, we see God visiting Moses: "dropping by" in the form of a burning bush that promises to deliver the Israelites from bondage-through the one being visited, no less! The word for "visit" is also found in Psalm 8:4, where the wonder of a mighty God caring for insignificant man is discussed. In Matthew 25:36 visiting seems to imply caring for the needs of someone who is unable to care for himself. This idea is further elaborated in James 1:27, where doing what God commands is seen in terms of being like a father to the orphan, and a husband to a bereft wife.
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Shall oversee and supervise all operations within your Ministry.
- Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with dedication and love for your work and respect for all members.
- Shall keep the Bishop apprised of needs and conditions within your Ministry.
- Shall maintain all paperwork and tracking reports as required.
- Shall be an example to the Church in spiritual growth by coming at least 30 minutes early to pray before each service.
- Shall attend all quarterly planning meetings. If unable to attend, shall inform the Bishop in advance and have a substitute attend for you.
- Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.